View Profile LichiMae

16 Movie Reviews w/ Response

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Yes! Another Sketched!

You are becoming one of my favorite artists on NG. Great Series...Keep it up!

sirjeffofshort responds:

Haha thanks man. We're working hard on some new cartoons so you'll definitely see more in the future.


This is the best one that you've come out with. Can't wait to see more!

Sykohyko responds:



Don't listen to that other idiot, this was really good. Very heartfelt....damn it, I miss my girlfriend now, after watching this... ):

starfox188 responds:

People on newgrounds need to keep theyre bad stuff to themselves! Thank you, and I hope you and youre girlfriend get back together!!


We'll get the theif ban from NG, don't worry. Yay, Caz! <333

@ darKnite92: Didn't your mother ever tell you that size doesn't matter?

Go-Devil-Dante responds:

Wheee! Hope so, dum idiots... what're they doin stealin man porn anyway?? XD

Windows XP

Ya, that song that came with Windows XP got to me too. ^_^ Good little animation.

Tobunshi responds:

You can legally rape minors now? ....Thanks for reviewing?


You said, "what it said was GTA SA should not be rated AO...I had to put in that subliminal message to get it across to ppl...ummmm...don't ask why!" Why not just have someone that's 18 buy it for you? Like most younger people do with liquor? Oh, and the flash was okay.

theY4Kman responds:

I have the game already...I've had it for months now. I just don't understand why they rated it AO, when you're never supposed to see the mini-games in the first place...Tomorrow I'm going to get Action Replay and get Hot Coffee...Hehe...Rockstar is re-releasing GTA: SA without the mini-game, though. Oh, and thanks for saying it was good!


I was gonna blam it, but it made me smile a little bit. =( Also, Madagascar sucked....I sorry, I just didn't like it. I had free tickets, but I went to the sales booth after to try to get my money back....That's how much I hated it. =S ...I didn't work though....=(

TacoRemix responds:

Yea it was a movie for two kinds of people, little kids and potheads, I liked two parts of that movie, the penguins and King Julian, the song was the best, and is one of my favorites, that and scatman, oh that one is gonna be fun...


You just described my entire last week with this flash. That's actually......pretty sad now that I think about it....Good job. (passes out from being stoned.)

Sexual-Lobster responds:

i'm sure your week will improve, it'll end with a weekend right? glad you liked it


You gonna do just fine here on NG.

GrimEntertainment responds:

I do hope so! Glad you liked it!

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